Mission complete!
What a great day! Weather was great, roads were pretty clear and my Kobe burger was excellent. We met at Oakbucks, hung out a little longer than we should have. Got to Sonora at the busy lunch hour, but we found some seats at the bar. The road back was a bit sketchy after the sun heated up all the tar snakes that caltrans had left on the Little Dragon. For the first time since I can remember, I slipped on numerous patches sometimes sending me way off line. I simple reduction in throttle and much more concentration on my lines proved enough to enjoy the rest of our travels. Another great day with good friends.
The Diamondback Grill
#FPRacingUSA #RaceTech #PenskeRacingShocks #GalferUSA #BridgestoneTires #DrivenRacing #D.I.D.MotorcycleChains #Vortex #MicronExhaust #MaximaRacingOils #TripageLED